A few words on the anniversary of establishing the Centre for Musical Partnership at the Artur Rubinstein Music Schools in Bydgoszcz




                                                                               Warsaw, October 3, 2021


A few words on the anniversary of  establishing the Centre for Musical Partnership  at the Artur Rubinstein Music Schools in Bydgoszcz


Ladies and Gentlemen.

  Five years ago, I approached the late Mrs Ewa Stąporek-Pospiech, Headmistress of the Artur Rubinstein Music Schools in Bydgoszcz, with a proposal to establish a National Centre for Musical Partnership there.

     I had a dream  of a Centre that would support non-academic education levels.

     As I see it,  the concept of musical partnership should  be present already at the earliest stages of musical education: the  primary and secondary schools of music.

     It seems to me that introducing that concept at the academic level may be a bit late, as at that stage the majority of  young people are already  infected with the twisted concept of the so-called soloist-accompanist relation and the false  soloist obsession as the only option for  a musician.

    I confess that I was charmed by the openness of the Headmistress and the community at  the Bydgoszcz School, who enthusiastically responded to the  idea of partnership. The current Principal and administration  continue those efforts in a manner worthy of the highest praise!

    The day after our conversation,  Ewa Stąporek-Pospiech spontaneously went to the Ministry of Culture to share the news about the emerging Centre. 

    I feel the need to  explain two of the many reasons for my efforts: The first is my deep conviction that the idea of partnership in music and partnership in general  should be passed on to students right from the beginning of their education.

Secondly,  it is the phenomenon of Bydgoszcz, a city  which I first visited 60 years ago. Bydgoszcz is worthy of the highest praise for its drive to create a new reality and new things, including  many ideas and initiatives serving culture and the fair  co-existence of a Human with another Human, so wonderfully initiated by the demiurge who was the unforgettable Andrzej Szwalbe.

    Please accept my words of congratulations, praise, encouragement  and best wishes for your perseverance in  goodness.

    Prof. Jerzy Marchwiński



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